Oraklet säger: ett hål är en ihålig hög The Oracle says: a hole is a hollow pile (2022)


Galleri Mejan
Photo: Jean-Baptiste Beranger

Oraklet säger: ett hål är en ihålig hög
The Oracle says: a hole is a hollow pile

Peat soil in plastic bags, draperies, steel, speakers, cords, glass, office chairs, computer, arduinos, motors, ropes, cables, bags of sand and a libretto.

5-channel sound installation; a creation myth in three acts. The work originates from the river Viskan, which is one of Sweden's most polluted waters. The slow vertical movement of the speakers leads the viewer down below the surface, an oracle is born in the sediment.

40 min.

The Oracle - the polluted mass at the bottom of the river Viskan. Its body consists of copper, zinc, mercury, chromium, dioxins, dieldrin, DDT, DDE and PAH.
Viskan - The river, the lifeline whose power gave people work in the factories, which meanders through the landscape and which finally flows into the sea.
The choir - the storytellers

Epilogue: Ella Blixt
Tech brain: Fredrik Hellström

Thanks to Ella Blixt, Karolina Willebrand Vinnberg, Hillevi Duus, Jakob Enlund, Daniel Holmgren, Karolina Stenström, Majbritt Stenström, Ville Pettersson, Andreas Hammar, Erica Johansson Afreixo, Lina Selander, Johanna Gustafsson Fürst, Göran Svenborn, Ulrika Gustafsson Rosengren, Thomas Laurien och Theodore Ågren